East Midlands Ambulance Service (EMAS) provide the fastest possible response to emergency calls using ambulances and fast response cars. However, for patients experiencing cardiac arrest every second counts. Every minute that passes without defibrillation a person’s chances of survival can decrease by up to 10%.
The fact is, in more rural and hard to reach areas including the workplace, Community First Responders have a much better chance of providing the immediate help needed prior to the arrival of an EMAS crew.
Community First Responders can provide help to patients suffering from cardiac arrest and other medical conditions such as a heart attack or breathing difficulties. By using simple techniques ie. placing someone into the recovery position, a life could be saved. The types of emergency calls which Community Responders are sent to are carefully chosen and an ambulance is always dispatched at the same time as the Community First Responder is alerted.
TCFR formed in March 2017. We currently have 4 responders actively on call with a further 2 attending training in November. To give the best possible support to the community we are looking to increase our group of responders. If you are interested in volunteering a few hours a week and enjoy a challenge, please contact us via the e-mail address below.
Everyone involved with the group would like to thank you for your continued support.
Phil Thorpe- Coordinator TCFR