Come rain or shine, members of our churches will be in the Pot Market at 10am on Saturday 9th December to bring some seasonal cheer to early morning shoppers. As usual, there will be a bucket by their side in the hope that donations will be given for the work of Embrace the Middle East. This Christian charity has worked in the Middle East for over 160 years, helping people of all faiths and none to free themselves from a life of poverty and injustice, with education, healthcare and community development projects. Here is just one small example, one family helped in Lebanon: “Refugees fleeing from the conflict in Syria arrive with virtually nothing. Through Embrace gifts, formula milk and nappies have been provided to a family whose young baby had nothing but a plastic bag as a nappy; her parents could not afford milk so filled her bottle with flour and water.” In Cairo, some families are forced to live by scavenging other people’s rubbish. “Among the warren of tiny streets filled with rubbish and foul smells, the Salaam Centre (supported by Embrace) is a haven of safety, cleanliness and peace, providing medical and practical assistance”. Work that makes a difference to people’s lives, to families struggling with poverty.
Carols will also be sung in Fountain Square at 7pm on Wednesday 13th, with the Blessing of the Crib, and then at Nicholson Court. Come along and join in.