Fruity Delights

Thismonth has been one of fruity delights – currant bushes laden withblackcurrants, the strawberry bed producing wonderful red fruits just in timefor Wimbledon, and now the raspberries and gooseberries are coming into theirown – I may be biased but I think Tideswell’s Community Kitchen garden growsthe sweetest desert gooseberries in the whole of Tideswell. The produce haskept our inventive chefs busy with black currant sorbet, an amazing rhubarbcake for the Wednesday lunch club and now spelt rhubarb muffins. Next month Ithink the veggies will be taking over again – purple mangetout, stripedtomatoes and yellow runner beans are on the menu. You can find all theseexciting recipes on our facebook page (at ‘Tideswell Kitchen Garden’)

TheCommunity Kitchen Garden is so much easier to find now with our brilliant newcarrot, pear and blackboard signs, so please come and visit anytime, there’slots to explore and benches to relax on, or even bring a picnic now the holidaysare here.

Ifyou’d like to join us, new members are always welcome whether you’re a beginneror an expert, even if you only have a little time to spare. We try to meet inthe Garden around 3pm on the first Saturday of the month, but you’ll often findone of us pottering around anytime. The Kitchen Garden is behind St John theBaptist Church, next to the Old Grammar school – or you can call Judy Cooke on01298 872408, email Josie at, or visit our Facebook page at‘Tideswell Kitchen Garden’ for more details.

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