We are proud to welcome our newest recruit to The Kitchen Garden, baby Robyn Jennifer Grainger arrived early in the morning on the 12th April, which made me wonder what the garden can offer babies & young toddlers – apart from wiggly worms! Fresh sweet summer peas are a lovely first food for babies, and easy for mums too as they make a pretty green puree in just a few minutes by steaming in a little broth and blending in a blender until smooth. They are packed with nutrients especially vitamin C and A.
Tideswell will be hosting its Food Festival on Saturday 29th and The Kitchen Garden will be open to everyone.The Tideswell Singers will be performing in the Garden at 11.15 and the Bailey Sisters will be serenading us at 1.30. You can find us behind St John the Baptist Church – just follow the ‘carrots’ – and let our friendly gardeners show you around. You will be able to buy young plants for your own garden or allotment, and even do some planting or follow our nature trail.
The Kitchen Garden will also be taking part in the Church’s “Tasting Times, a look at the seasons” theme, so please come and try our ‘interactive’ garden display on the font, we look forward to seeing you.
New volunteers are always welcome, whether you’re a beginner or an expert. We meet in the Kitchen Gardenon the first Saturday afternoon every month to dig and weed and share in our harvest.So do come and join in, even if you only have a little time to spare. You can call Judy Cooke on 01298 872408, or email Josie at jo.kilner@yahoo.co.uk for more details, or visit ourFacebook page at ‘Tideswell Kitchen Garden’.