Talking to friends and neighbours about the forthcoming EU referendum, it was clear that everyone, whilst interested, felt they did not know enough about the implications either way. So I have organised a free public event to be held in the function room of The George on Friday the 27 May at 7 pm.
The format will be as follows. After a brief introduction and some basic statistics about the EU, there will be three guest speakers; Edwina Currie, former Conservative MP and Health Minister speaking from the “staying in the EU perspective”; Brendan Chilton, General Secretary of the “Labour Leave” group speaking from the “leave the EU perspective”; and Andrew Lewer, an East Midlands MEP, talking about how the EU works in practice. After a short break followed by a Question Time-style Q&A session, chaired by myself. At the end we’ll have an “Exit poll” the results of which will be published on The Voice’s website and the Tideswell People group on Facebook.
This is not a “Campaigning” or “Party political” event, its purpose is to make people better informed, to enable them to make an informed decision on the 23 June.
The function room at The George can accommodate up to 60 and 34 people have already said they will be coming, so please arrive early to be sure of a seat. If you would like to ask a question please email to or leave it in an envelope with my name on it at The George. I’ll filter all questions to avoid duplicates and ones that could be answered by a simple “Google” search.
Martin Hammer (22, Nicholson Court)