The Parish Council received an excellent response to their request for tenders for the grass cutting and strimming contract, and would like to thank all those who submitted applications. Those that submitted tenders will be contacted in the next few days and informed of the Council decision, and details will be posted on the Council website at:
The parish council would like to congratulate the Cressbrook First Responders who have been providing a fantastic service across the local area for nearly a year now and, having made two successful bids to the British Heart Foundation, have acquired three Public Access Defibrillators (PADs). (see separate article on page 3) The parish council is also pleased to report that Litton residents have also successfully bid for a PAD and this is now installed on the side of Litton Village Hall.
Looking ahead, a date for your diaries, the Litton Parish Council Annual Parish Meeting will be held on 12 May 2016, at Litton Village Hall from 6 until 7 pm. There will be further information regarding the agenda nearer the time, but we look forward to seeing parish residents there and hearing their views on what the parish council should be doing to benefit the community.
Chris Thistle, Chair Litton Parish Council