Miller’s Dale & District W. I. held their usual monthly meeting at Litton Village Hall on Wednesday 9th September; it was well attended with only 2 Members being away. As there was no August meeting we arranged an evening visit to a Farm near Glossop, to see orchids and a day trip to Renishaw House in Derbyshire [on a rather wet day]; both visits were most interesting and very enjoyable. There was also a further outing to The Harrogate W. I. Centenary Fair on September 5th. – also very pleasant.We then discussed ‘future events’ and the business of the evening was concluded.

Our President – Judy Cooper then introduced our Speaker Anthea Rawlence, who spoke on behalf of the ‘The Friends of the Peak District’. It was a very enjoyable and most informative talk. We were all very impressed with what we learnt about the work of ‘The Friends’, which is a Charity, and how much they are needed. They have so much input into helping to keep The Peak District as a thriving Rural area with viable Communities.

Judy thanked Anthea Rawlence for her very enlightening talk and we then had refreshments served and all The Members enjoyed a sociable time catching up with friends.

The meeting closed at 9.45 pm and the next meeting will be as usual in Litton Village Hall on Wednesday, the 14th. October, 7.30pm and Heather Vickers will take a ‘Craft’ Workshop. As usual we always very pleased to welcome New Members, Friends and Visitors to these meetings; any queries please contact Judy [01298 871191].

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