200+ Club November 2014

The lucky winners are:- £25 – 098, £20 – 015, £10 – 200 £10 – 093, £10 – 096 Congratulations to all.

Top Prize of £50 in the December Draw

If you want to be a winner, you need to join us. Please contact Judy Cooke 872408 or Dorothy Whitehouse 871661 for details.

If you are new to the area please collect the TDCA WELCOME PACK, free of charge and full of helpful information from Peaches Fruit Shop, or go on our website www.tideswellonline.co.uk.

The TDCA is always happy to consider written applications from groups within the community who need extra financial support for a project. Please send any such applications to the Secretary: – Maureen Douglass, Corner Cottage, High Street, Tideswell.


Thanks to everybody who helped at this year’s bonfire and fireworks display, thanks to the local firms and organisations who provided sponsorship and thanks to everyone who attended – we hope you enjoyed it.

We do hope to put on a display again next year on November 7th,  but there is considerable doubt whether it would be advisable as both this year and last year the event made a substantial loss.

The Community Association has been organising the annual bonfire and fireworks display since 1987 and the emphasis has always been on putting on a good show rather than make a profit. Until recently we have either made a small profit or a small loss each year, but last year and this year the loss has been considerable and we really cannot afford a third bad year.

The Community Association finances the display from its own fund raising events, from ticket and food sales and from sponsorship. For the event to survive into its 29th year we need to find ways of increasing income. If that can’t be done then 2014 will regrettably be the last bonfire and fireworks display organised by your Community Association.


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