Weather Statistics  Tideswell  –  August 2014



Mean daily maximum:                    17.6 (1.0 below average)

Mean daily minimum:                      9.7 (0.8 below average)

Mean temperature:                         13.7 (0.9 below average)


Highest daily maximum:                  22.7 (8th)

Lowest daily maximum:                   12.7 (25th)


Lowest daily minimum:                     3.5 (24th)

Highest daily minimum:                  14.1 (6th)


Lowest daily grass minimum:            0.9 (24th)


Number of air frosts:                           0

Number of ground frosts:                    0


Days with max 20.0-24.9:                    7

Days with max 15.0-19.9:                  22

Days with max 10.0-14.9:                    2


Frost duration:                                    nil




Total fall:                                         115.8 mm (138% of average)

Wettest day (0900-0900)                  18.2 mm (10th)


Rain days (0.2 mm or more):              21

Wet days (1.0 mm or more):              19




Days with snow or sleet falling:           0

Days more than 50% cover at 0900:    0

Deepest at 0900:                                  0 cm




Total sunshine:                               101.0hours (122% of average)

Sunniest day:                                      8.2 hours (4th )

Days with no sun:                                 2


Other phenomena


Days with thunder heard:                    3

Days with hail:                                     0

Days with fog at 0900:                         0



Mean wind speed:                              5.1 mph

Maximum gust:                                   31 mph (10th, 11th))

Days with gale:                                     0



A cool, wet month but sunnier than average. No noteworthy individual events





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