On Thursday 13th February, Tideswell village were delighted to host BBC Radio Derby’s Sally Pepper with her morning show.
Transmitting from the Tideswell School of Food, the broadcast started with their Big Mouth debate where guest speakers were invited to discuss the topics of the day. This time though the guests were representatives from the village with PC chairman, Sue Barber and Meg Ward of Litton Larder taking to the mike to share a variety of views.
Next Sally went on to cook some great delights for Valentine day with Tideswell School of food Head Chef Joe Hunt. Joe’s Black Pudding, Smoked Duck Salad and Hot Chocolate Fondant went down a treat with all who tasted them.
Lastly the program focused on the village itself, with Pete Hawkins giving an introduction to Tideswell outside in the sun, which seemed to make a timely appearance, before two more residents Suzanne Elvidge and Audrey Hopkins, talked to Sally Pepper about all the benefits of living In Tideswell and visiting Tideswell.
Sally said afterwards how much she enjoyed the day and hoped to visit Tideswell again soon.
If you fancy trying any the of recipes that Joe demonstrated they can be found at http://tideswellschooloffood.co.uk/recipes-radio-derby/ and in addition Tideswell school of food have contacted the BBC to enquire if we can obtain a podcast of the show for residents who have yet to hear it. It is hoped that will be made available on our website soon.