Don’t forget to come and visit the Kitchen Garden behind St John’s Institute on the day of the Food Festival.
There’s going to be lots going on: A Garden Quiz for all young gardeners In the morning A lunchtime BBQ A ’Make your Own Pot and Plant your Own Seeds’ session in the afternoon It’s an opportunity for everyone to come and see what has been achieved – the Garden was no more than a building site at the last Food Festival but now we have beds (raised and otherwise) ready for planting with a thriving array of soft fruit and herbs that have survived the winter (well, mostly). We’re always willing to share our experiences and listen to advice. So please come and see us on 4 May and in the meantime, if you would like to be involved with this community garden or have anything you would like to donate to the garden, please contact Maureen (01298 871542) or Judy (01298 872408).