Woe, woe & thrice woe; we can’t go bowling on Sat. 23rd Mar. because of the lousy weather. I can smell the rank disappointment & frustration from here. Fingers crossed that we can go ahead on April 6th.
The ‘Rack your Brains Quiz’ was a fine success. A good time was had by all despite the merciless mick-taking of the rascally Wain & Wright. The bowling club made a net profit of just over £150 for which we are exceedingly grateful; thank-you good citizens of Tidza. We haven’t been up to much since the last edition of BO (could this be a Scratch ‘n’ Sniff mutation?) apart from almost being turned into Christmas turkeys at Rowsley, where we were stuffed, trussed, but mercifully not mounted. We had our AGM recently, which is only marginally less entertaining than Rock ‘n’ Bowls. Here are some selected extracts fro Chairman John Hallows’ report:- He thanked David Wain for all the work he has done to improve our floodlights – all we have to do now is improve our bowling! He further thanked those who’d maintained our pavilion, especially the carpet tile layers & the painters who didn’t get their work mixed up. The Tues. Mixed Up Pairs had, with much play improvement & winning more matches than last year, dramatically improved their league position by moving from bottom to … 2nd from bottom. The Thurs. Vets, promoted the year before last & demoted last year, are doing a fair imitation of yo-yos but nonetheless having fun despite the weather. John thanked Andrew for organising a very full calendar of friendly matches which we all enjoy. He wryly observed that the Sheffield matches were very popular indeed, but that the standard of bowling seemed to drop after tea. A voice from the back said something about John being head of catering quality control. This led him seamlessly on to compliment our team of caterers who had almost civilised us by getting us to eat off proper crockery. I hope to see lots of you on the green on Fridays after 6pm from 6/4/13.
Griff – tidza.bowls@yahoo.co.uk