TDCA 200+ Club Winners

August 2018 200+ Club Draw Results

£50-194,  £25-291,  £20-100,

£10-146,  £10-264 & £10-201

Congratulations to all the winners

If you would like to join the T.D.C.A. and be entered into the monthly draw please contact either Judy Cooke on 872408 or Dorothy Whitehouse on 871661.

The next Community Association *LITTER PICK* at the Sports Complex is scheduled for *Sunday 2nd September at 10.00am*.

Why not visit our web site and keep right up to date with what’s going on

*Need some funding for a local group project?*

The TDCA is always happy to consider written applications from groups within the community who need extra financial support for a project. Please send any such applications to the Secretary, Graham Thompson, Rebethnal Cottage, Buxton Road, Tideswell.

Welcome Pack

If you are new to the area please collect the TDCA Welcome Pack, free of charge and full of helpful information from Peaches Fruit Shop, or go on our website  The new co-ordinator is Nikki Turton 07876763730 or Contact her if you wish to advertise in the pack and organisations please let her know of any changes to your details.

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