Pete, can the following go in the next edition of the magazine please. Help please – I want to put in quite a lengthy article about the history of the redpoppy symbol, too many perhaps of the younger generation don’t know its history. If the poem ‘In Flanders Fields’ is added (which I would like) it runs to just over one page of A4 on a size 12 Arial font. Is there any ‘quieter’ month between July and October when this could go in?
ROYAL BRITISH LEGION POPPY APPEAL 2018. Jayne Mcmillan, the Organiser for most of the pubs, Litton and Wardlow, has had to give up her role, which she did on top of a full-time job – thank you Jayne. She managed to persuade Howie Thurlby to take over her ‘tins’, as well as his usual brilliant collection work outside the Co-op and other events, thank you Howie.
Jean Jackson
Regards, Jean