Recipe Idea of the Month

Asparagus is a true celebration of Spring, and is a versatile way of adding a bit of luxury to your tea. You can steam it and serve it alongside other vegetables, new potatoes and fish (perhaps salmon baked in the onion with garlic, lemon zest and a splash or white wine), for beautiful simplicity.

Alternatively, serve it with poached eggs for a weekend lunch, or add it to a risotto. You could make a Spring green risotto with arborio or carnaroli rice, white wine, vegetable stock garlic, courgette, celery, spring onion, peas, asparagus, parmesan and parsley (or any other set of similar ingredients, risottos can be made with virtually anything!).

Cook the celery and courgette first in a little olive oil, then add the garlic and rice until it turns translucent. Then add a splash of wine and cook until it disappears. Add veg stock little by little (you need 3 times as much liquid as rice for a risotto, so prepare as much stock as you need for the number of people you want the rice to serve), until the rice is nearly cooked. Add the spring onion, peas and asparagus for the last 5 minutes or so, and then stir in parmesan and parsley at the very end.

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